A tiresome topic with old cameras and accessories: The user manual is not available. Here I list all instructions that are in my possession as originals. In the case of inquiries to, there will be a way to send one or the other as a PDF file.
Agfa Clack | Agfa Clibo |
Agfa Flexilette | Agfa Tully flash |
Canon Speedlite 244T | Canon Speedlite 277T |
Canon Speedlite 300EZ | Canon Speedlite 420EZ |
Canon T70 | Canon T80 deutsch/english |
Canon T 50 | Canon EOS 1000FN |
Canon Speedlite 300TL | Leicaflex SL |
Mamiya 8 JE | Mamiya 645 1000S |
Mamiya Sekor C 70mm LS | Mamiyaflex C2 |
Minox B | Minox C |
Minox developer can | Minox MT 35 flash |
Minox Stativ | Minox 35 ML |
Rollei 35 | Rollei 128 BC flash |
Rolleikin f. Rolleiflex | Rolleimatic |
Voigtländer Vitessa T | Voigtländer Vito B |
Zeiss Ikon Box Tengor | Contaflex IV deutsch/english |
Contaflex Prima | Contaflex I – IV Service Manual (engl) |
Contaflex Super B deutsch/english |
Contaflex Super BC |
Contaflex Super english |
Contessa 35 |
Contessa 35 Service Manual (engl) |
Contessa S 310 english |
Contina II/III deutsch/english |
Contarex |
Icarex 35 | Icarex 35 S |
Ikoblitz 0 | Ikoblitz 5 |
Ikoflex 1b english |
Mess-Ikonta 6×6 |
Ikophot Belichtungsmesser english |
Ikoscop Dia Betrachter |
Zeiss Monocular 8×30 | Pentacon F Contax F |
Pro Tessare for Contaflex |
Taxona |
Change magazine Contarex+Contaflex |
Zeiss Werra 1 -4 Werramat, Werramatic |
Haka Autoknips | Bauer E 528 AB flash |
Liesegang Uni-Rax enlarger |
Metz 45 CT 1 flash |
Penti 18 x 24 | Regula Variant F flash |
Gossen Sixtomat exposure meter |
Weimarlux CdS exposure meter |
Kodak Retina Reflex | Kodak Retina IIc |
Kodak Kodablitz | Mamiya Polaroidkassette HP 702/HP 701 |
Voigtländer Ultramatic CS |
Zeiss Ikon Super Ikonta II (533/16) |
Minox D35 Data back (D/E/F/E) |
Minox 35 GT |
Minox FC 35 | Canon EOS 600 |
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