Imprint Data Protection

My name is M. Bruckner and my place of residence is well defined by the coordinates of my house (8°23’36“ East and 49°22’58“ North). This is a private non-profit website. I really don’t have any influence on any third-party sites that link to my site. I hereby expressly distance myself from third-party sites that are linked to my site via links and assume no responsibility for the content of such sites. The contents of my own pages reflect my personal opinion. I mark quotations as such. The rights of company logos used remain untouched, they serve the purpose of clarification. I would like to point out that there may be errors in the content presented (I am grateful for information about serious ones) and therefore I do not guarantee their correctness. My pages are also subject to constant change. References from search engines can therefore lead to hits, although the page no longer contains any reference to the term you are looking for. This behavior of search engines is beyond my control. As far as my images and text are concerned, I expect that they will not simply be downloaded, e.g. for ebay auctions. Rather, I ask you to contact me by email if you have any requests in this regard. Thanks!

Data protection

The following data protection declaration applies to the use of the website (hereinafter „website“). I attach great importance to data protection.

I do not collect or process any personal data in order to be able to offer you the portal mentioned above. You can save and print out this data protection declaration at any time.

General use of the website:

Access data

I do not collect any information about you when you use this website. I do not collect any information about your usage behavior and your interaction with me and do not register any data about your computer or mobile device. I collect, save and use no data about every access to my online offer (so-called server log files).

e-mail contact

If you contact me (e.g. via contact form or e-mail), I will save your details for processing the request and in the event that follow-up questions arise. I only store and use other personal data if you consent to this or if this is legally permissible without special consent.

If you have any questions or concerns about data protection, please contact me: